
Cookies for Hearts of Saints

Posted by Anne Yorks on Thursday, July 18, 2013

I always feel so honored to make cookies for special occasions...an important thank you, a surprise gift of love, or a message of congratulations. I appreciate that customers trust me to make something unique and special to make someone smile!

Recently, my friend ordered this special set of cookies for the band Hearts of Saints. They just released a new album and the cookies are celebrating the album and a new music video.

The designs reflect the 'For All of Us' cover and few other images I found on their website and in their new video (the white shirts and ties).

I loved researching and planning cookie ideas. I read all about the band and their music. Checked out the merch in their store. And of course, I had to watch the new video. It's powerful. I posted it below.

Pretty cool stuff, huh? Amazing video with an awesome message!

I really studied the album cover to plan out a way to turn it into a cookie. The icing is applied to the cookie in layers, so I started with the gray and red stripes first. I added gray airbrushing (black and white food color mixed) to give the edges that shadowed/weathered look.  Once that layer was dry, I added the crown in white and then airbrushed those shadows too. The black detail was added once that layer was dry. The text was added last.

This heart also has the weathered look to it. I think it added an awesome edge to the cookie.

What a super fun order. I totally loved making the cookies and discovering a new, super cool band at the same time was a bonus. I hope you enjoyed checking them out too!!

In bakery news...life has been buzzing around this place. Lots of fun projects to post in the coming weeks. I'm also working on a few new collections for the fall. I'll share the details as soon as I work out the kinks in the cookie designs. 

And, this weekend a good friend is visiting me. We are going to do some experimenting in the bakery!! If it works, I'll be sure to share the results. I might need to solicit a few taste testers, too! :)

Have a sweet day!
