
How to Airbrush Perfect Cookies with the Stencil Genie

Posted by Anne Yorks on Sunday, January 3, 2016

I'm not a big gadget girl, but there is definitely one cookie tool that I could not live without...the Stencil Genie! This awesome 2-piece frame holds stencils into place for crisp, clean airbrushing on cookies over and over again! And, it is now available here in our Online Store!

Check out this video to see how to use it!

The Stencil Genie comes with care and use instructions. The frame has two sides, one that is 3/8" and one that is 1/4" to accommodate varying cookie thickness sizes. I like to use the 1/4" side.

Meet the Genie...

Be sure the base icing layer is dry before airbrushing. I let the base dry for a minimum of 2-3 hours before airbrushing. Simply click the stencil into the frame and you're ready to airbrush!

I like to airbrush on the low speed (except when using a metallic color - then I find it easier to use medium).

I keep the airbrush at a 90° angle. The airbrush gun is about 2-3" from the cookie surface. This helps to avoid color sneaking under the stencil, preventing underspray.

I find that I can airbrush 6-12 cookies before needing to clean the stencil. The stencil genie makes it so easy to quickly place the stencil on the cookie time after time!

I wouldn't even attempt a large airbrush project without the stencil genie!

Here are some of the airbrush projects from 2015:

These stencils are more are all available online in our shop!  Plus, we have added a ton of new designs, including several new stencils for Valentine's day!


Happy Stenciling!!
